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How to eat oysters

How to eat oysters

Oct 27,2022
How to eat oysters
Do you know how to eat oysters?There are many ways to make oysters, the most common is baked oysters, in addition, oysters can also be made into soup.Stir-fry.Congee and so on, the taste is very delicious.Want to know how to eat oysters?Here is a look at the oyster practice book!

How to eat oysters: egg branded oysters

Ingredients: 100g oysters, 6 eggs, 25g shiitake mushrooms, 50g ham, 30g carrots, 3g finely chopped green onions, salt.1 tsp each chicken seasoning, MSG.1/2 tsp each sesame oil, 4 tsp vegetable oil.
Step 1: Shuck and wash the oysters; beat the eggs in a bowl and add salt.Add salt.Seasoning.Stir in chicken seasoning, mushrooms.Mushrooms. Carrots.Wash the mushrooms, carrots and ham separately, chop them into pieces and stir them into the bowl of egg mixture with the oysters.
2. Heat oil in a pot, pour in the egg mixture and fry until golden, then add broth.Add the broth, seasoning, drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with minced green onion.

How to eat oysters: Oyster and tofu soup

IngredientsPrepare 200g of tofu, 120g of oyster meat, 40g of fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced ginger.A little salt 3g each, chicken powder .Pepper a little each, 4 ml of cooking wine, cooking oil to taste.
Wash the ingredients, shred the mushrooms, cut the tofu into small cubes; fill the pot with water and boil, add salt and cook the tofu for about half a minute, drain; then pour the oyster meat, mix and cook for a few minutes until it is broken, drain.
2. Heat oil in a wok, add ginger and stir fry, then add mushrooms and stir fry well, add oyster meat, stir fry a few times, drizzle with wine and stir fry through, fill with about 600ml water, pour in tofu when the soup boils.
3. Add salt.Chicken powder.Add salt, chicken powder and pepper, and cook for a few minutes until tasty.

How to eat oysters: Oyster Porridge

Ingredients Prepare the aquafaba purple rice .80 grams of rice, 100 grams of oyster meat, sliced ginger.Fragrant Lai minced.A few chopped green onion each, 2g salt, 2g chicken powder, 3ml cooking wine, 2g pepper, 2ml sesame oil.
Method Step 1. Put the cleaned oyster meat into a bowl, add ginger slices and add a little salt.Chicken powder .Stir well with cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes.
2. Fill a casserole with water and bring to the boil, pour in the washed rice.Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, until the ingredients are cooked through.
3. Add appropriate amount of salt.Chicken powder.Pepper.Stir in sesame oil to taste and serve in soup bowls, sprinkle with chopped cilantro.Sprinkle with chopped cilantro and green onion.

How to eat oysters: Pan-fried oysters with shallots

IngredientsPrepare 750g fresh oysters, 50g shallots, 1/2 tsp fine salt, pepper, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 small piece of butter, 4 tsp cornstarch, sesame oil to taste.
Method Step 1: Remove oyster shells, remove oyster meat, remove black guts and impurities, and rinse under running water; brush oyster shells clean.
2. Put the oyster meat into a container and add salt.Add salt, cooking wine and lemon juice.Mix well with lemon juice and marinate for about 5 minutes.
3. Remove the roots and old leaves from the shallots, rinse, drain and cut into small pieces.
4. Heat the butter in a skillet until melted. Dip the oyster meat in the cornstarch and fry in the pan until cooked and tender, then remove and place in the oyster shells.
5. Sprinkle with pepper.Drizzle with sesame oil and cook until hot.
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