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How to Make Pork Knuckle Stew

How to Make Pork Knuckle Stew

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Pork Knuckle Stew
Pork knuckle stew is a beautiful and nutritious food, and there are various ways to make it, with a variety of ingredients.In fact, many friends would like to know how to make a nutritious, healthy and unique stewed pig's feet.We'll introduce you to a few home remedies for stewed pig's feet here!

Homemade way of stewing pig's feet with yellow cabbage

Ingredients prepared net pig's trotters 1, 100 grams of cauliflower, 2 greens, 3 slices of ginger, 10 grams of cooking wine, salt.Seasoning salt.
Method step 1. remove the residual hair on the pig's trotters, first from the middle of the slice with a flat knife into two halves, and then cut into small pieces along the joints, with cold water into the pot, boil for 5 minutes, fish out and wash away the dirt foam; cauliflower roots, cut into sections; rape heart divided into flaps, wash.
2. Take a net casserole, add water, put in the pig's feet.Ginger and wine, boil over high heat, skim off the froth, turn low heat stew until cooked, add cauliflower, and season with salt, and continue to stew until soft, put MSG and rape heart, a little stew that is.

peanut dates stewed pig's feet home practice

Ingredients prepare 3 pig's feet, 100 grams of peanuts, 30 dates, cooking wine.Soy sauce.Ginger.Onion.Pepper.Fennel.Sugar.Salt.Chicken essence and other appropriate amount of each.
Method Step 1. Soak the peanuts and red dates in water; pluck the hair off the pig's feet.Wash, boil until four mature and fish out; smear the pig's feet with soy sauce, then put them in a hot frying pan until golden brown and fish them out and put them in the pan.
2. Add water and the prepared peanut rice.Dates and ginger.Chinese cooking wine.Pepper.Fennel.Sugar and other stew together until cooked, then add salt.Add salt, chicken seasoning, etc. and stir well, sprinkle with green onions and you have a delicious meal.

Loofah stewed with pig's trotters

Ingredients: 250g loofah, 30g shiitake mushrooms, 500g pig's trotters, 100g tofu, shredded ginger.Salt.Salt. MSG each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Remove the hair from the pig's feet, wash, chop into small pieces with a knife and set aside.
2. Soak the tofu in salted water for about 10 minutes, wash with water and cut into small pieces; remove the skin of the loofah, wash and slice; remove the old mushrooms and soak in water to soften and clean.
3. Put the pig's feet in a pot, pour 2000 ml of water, stew until the pig's feet meat rotten, add mushrooms.Add mushrooms, tofu cubes and loofah slices, then season with salt.Shredded ginger.MSG, and then stew for a few minutes and then you can.
Tip Pork trotters will have an unpleasant smell if not done properly, soak.Boiling water and adding plenty of wine to the stew will help remove this smell.The longer the pig's trotters are simmered, the softer and stickier they become.The melt-in-your-mouth texture is great, but too short a time is not good enough.
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