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How to make bacon pancakes

How to make bacon pancakes

Aug 01,2022
How to make bacon pancakes
In northern China has always been mainly noodle food, of course, delicate noodle products are no longer a few, to now most of these become a famous Chinese snack, bacon pancake is such a delicious, mainly pork, with the aroma of bacon, fatty but not greasy, red color, while the large cake color yellow and fragrant, soft inside and outside crispy, let people taste endlessly.

Introduction of bacon pancake

Food introduction Li Liangui bacon pancake for Hebei Luanxian Liuzhuang people Li Liangui then in 1908 in Siping Lishu first created.Li Liangui after fleeing to Lishu, opened a small restaurant.The old herbalist Gao Pinzhi told Li Liangui about his ancestral recipe for meat with herbs, and under the guidance of the old man, Li Liangui was interested in the preparation of the herbs.Selecting the meat.Cutting the meat.Raising the soup.Mixing the noodles.Under the guidance of the old man, Li Liangui made a unique flavor of Li Liangui's bacon pancake by studying the process of selecting the meat, cutting the meat, raising the soup, making the noodles and the fire.Li Lian Gui bacon pancake is brown and red in color.The skin and flesh are transparent.Fatty but not greasy.Lean but not woody.Smoke aroma refreshing spleen, eaten every day and night burp; large cake skin golden.Full moon.Layers separated.Crispy outside and tender inside.Tasty and fragrant.It is eaten with a sauce.Shredded green onion.Then drink a bowl of millet, mung bean and jujube congee to add more interest.
Nutritional value after cooking, the skin is golden.Round like a full moon.Layers like a book.The outside is crispy and the inside is tender.Crispy layers.Bacon and pancakes have the ability to warm the spleen and stomach.Strengthens the kidney and yang.Induces the qi.Tonifies the middle.Eliminate food.It is a delicious medicinal dish that combines delicious medicine and food in one.

How to make bacon pancake

Ingredients needed 500g flour, 110g lard, water, pepper powder.Salt in the right amount.
Steps 1. Use 50g of soup oil with refined flour.Fine salt .Pepper noodles to make a soft crisp.
2. Use warm water to make dough and molasses for a while.
3. Roll out 5 dough pieces into rectangular pieces, smear them with soft pastry, wrap them into a square from one end, press the four corners inward with your fingers to become a round blank, then roll them into round cakes, brush them with oil and cook them, cut them into two flaps and plate them.

How to make bacon pancakes

Ingredients: Flour.Water kelp.Lettuce.Bacon.Cilantro.Onion garlic ginger.
Steps 1. Add warm water to the flour and form a dough.
2. Wash and chop the water kelp, with chopped ginger .Add salt and chicken seasoning.
3. Wash and cut a few pieces of lettuce into small slices, wash and chop the cilantro and green onion.
4. Pour oil in a pan and heat it. While the oil is burning, you can powder the dough into several equal parts and roll them out separately with a tool into a thin pastry shape, preferably one by one for frying, that is, while doing so.
5. When the oil is hot, gently fry the rolled out pastry in the oil for just a minute or two, turning the sides once.
6. After the pastry has been removed from the pan and placed on a cutting board to cool for a while in the gap, add the bacon to the pan and fry for a minute, over low heat.
7. add the prepared parsley and green onions .Lettuce .Seaweed .Arrange the smoked sausage one at a time on top of the fried pastry.
8. Gently wrap the pastry around it.
Tips 1. Don't fry the pastry for too long or it won't be able to wrap the filling.
2. Roll out the pasta one at a time beforehand, otherwise the pasta will stick to the cutting board.

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