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pp synthetic paper

pp synthetic paper

Oct 25,2022
pp synthetic paper
pp synthetic paper consists of coating. pp base material.Glue and release PET four parts.Among them, the release PET is the layer of film on the surface of pp synthetic paper, it can protect pp synthetic paper, but also can enhance the texture of the picture, making it more beautiful.In addition, pp synthetic paper is not resistant to high and low temperatures, it is not easy to keep in the outdoors for a long time, and it has a variety of specifications.

pp synthetic paper manufacturer

Fuyang Yumei Synthetic Paper Co. Dongguan Paper Classics Paper Co. Shenzhen Hengtai Fefan Packaging Material Co.

pp synthetic paper price

The price of pp synthetic paper is around 30 RMB.

What is pp synthetic paper

PP synthetic paper is processed by extrusion process with polyolefin and other resins and inorganic fillers as the main raw materials, and has the characteristics of both plastic and paper multifunctional materials, is a new type of plastic material products, is also an environmentally friendly product, has a light specific gravity.High strength.Anti-tear, good printing, shading.Anti-UV, durable, economic and environmental protection, etc.
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