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What are outdoor lights

What are outdoor lights

Oct 11,2022
What are outdoor lights
Outdoor lights are, as the name suggests, lighting fixtures that are exposed outdoors.It can usually be used with the surrounding roads .Landscape.The lighting design and installation can be combined with the surrounding roads, landscapes and buildings to achieve the unity of functionality and artistry.

Types of outdoor lights

Road lights.Fireworks lights (cherry blossom lights).High-pole lights.Buried lights.Lawn light (stainless steel turf light).Chinese lights.High-pole lights.Wall light.Landscape lights.Outdoor wall lights.Spotlights (spotlights), shaped tube street lights, etc.

top ten brands of outdoor lights

Zhongshan Guzhen Hengming Outdoor Lighting.Philips outdoor lighting.Zibo affirm outdoor lighting.Rays outdoor lighting.Panasonic outdoor lighting.TCL outdoor lighting.Three poles outdoor lighting.Yongan outdoor lighting.Huapu outdoor lighting.

What is outdoor lighting

Outdoor lights as the name suggests are lighting fixtures that are exposed outdoors.Usually it can be used with the surrounding road .Landscape.The lighting design and installation can be combined with the surrounding roads, landscapes and buildings to achieve the unity of functionality and artistry.Outdoor lights include road lights.Landscape lights (Chinese lights.Fireworks lights.Cherry blossom lights, etc.).Lawn lights (stainless steel turf lights).Buried lights.Wall lights.Outdoor spotlights.Floodlights.Wall washer light, etc.

Outdoor light structure

The light pole is also very important for outdoor lights, there is a saying that the higher you stand, the farther you see, the higher the light pole, the wider the illumination of the outside of this reason is the same.Next, I'll introduce you to the outdoor light housing!The role of the shell group is to make the outdoor lights more beautiful, and outdoor lights are made of materials that need to be resistant to cold, and the same as the pole, regardless of the wind and sun will be intact, the use of long life.

Homemade outdoor lights

The first thing we introduce to you is the use of discarded mineral water bottles to make outdoor lights, first we should prepare a discarded mineral water bottle or beverage bottle, and then prepare a relatively thin candle, whether the market is white or red candles are available, and then prepare daylight clamps two, and a few screws, note that the screws are relatively small screws, first we need to put the mineral water bottleDivided in two.It is best to be large on one side and small on the other, and then install the clips to the lid of the mineral water bottle, used to fix the candle, and then install the lid of the mineral water bottle to the mineral water bottle, you can light up the candle in the mineral water bottle, which can be lit, pay attention to one point, we need to put some water in the bottom of the mineral water for the sake of safety, so that the candle will be automatically extinguished after burning.We can also put some water under the other base, and then the two halves of the mineral water bottle on top of each other, you can, very simple and very environmentally friendly.

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