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How to eat loofah

How to eat loofah

Oct 27,2022
How to eat loofah
Loofah can be eaten in many ways, the flesh of the loofah green in white, whether fried, or soup, or blanched cold, or with vegetarian and meat, the taste is pure and fresh, very pleasing to the eye.How to do loofah delicious, loofah eating methods have what, take a look at it!

How to eat loofah: loofah fresh shrimp soup

Ingredients prepared loofah 200 grams, fresh shrimp 100 grams, 1 egg, a little cilantro, salt.Chicken essence.Pepper.Starch.Seafood sauce.Bean curd sauce.Chinese cooking wine.Sesame oil.Stock each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Shell the fresh shrimp, pick out the sand line, wash and drain, put in a bowl, then add a little salt.Cooking wine.Chicken essence.Starch mix well to sizing, then put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, take out and set aside.
2. Wash the loofah.Peel, cut into round slices, and then scoop out the seeds, made of melon ring slices, and then the shrimp one by one through the melon ring to be used.
3. Add stock to the pot and boil, first put the shrimp ring slightly boiled, then add salt.Cooking wine.Pepper.Chicken seasoning, to be broken shrimp rings after fishing, into a bowl.
4. Add the original soup with sesame oil.Boil cilantro, pour over the shrimp rings, and when serving, dip in a sauce made from seafood sauce and bean curd sauce.

How to eat loofah: steamed lamb with loofah

IngredientsPrepare 300g of lamb, 250g of loofah, 1 salted egg yolk, garlic.Cooking oil.Salt.Pepper.Starch.Sesame oil .Soy sauce each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Wash the lamb and cut into slices; peel the loofah.Remove the seeds, cut strips, arrange in a dish; salted egg yolk cut into grains; garlic cut into small slices.
2. Season the lamb with salt.Pepper.Cooking oil.Mix well with cornstarch, place on a plate, arrange on top of the loofah, sprinkle with salted egg yolk and garlic slices.
3. Place the dish in a steamer and steam for 25 minutes, remove and drizzle with sesame oil.Drizzle with sesame oil and soy sauce.
Tip: Loofah contains vitamin B, which prevents skin aging, and vitamin C, which brightens the skin, to protect the skin.Eliminate plaque, make the skin white.Tender, is a rare beauty good.Loofah also clears the summer heat and cools the blood.Detoxification and laxative.Skin beauty and other effects.

How to eat loofah: chicken loofah

Ingredients prepare loofah 300g, chicken juice 70ml, ginger.Minced garlic.Red pepper flakes.A few white onions each, 30 ml of cooking oil, 3 g of salt, oyster sauce.A little water starch each.
Method Step 1. Peel the cleaned loofah and cut it into slices.
2. Cut the loofah into a plate and set aside.
3. Heat the oil in a pan and pour in the ginger.Minced garlic.White onion.Red pepper flakes popped.
4. Pour in the loofah and stir-fry for about 1 minute until cooked and soft.
5. Drizzle in the chicken sauce and stir-fry until tasty.
6. Add salt.Stir-fry well with oyster sauce.
7. Add a little water starch to thicken, then stir-fry evenly over low heat.
8. Serve on a plate and serve.
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