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What is normal laptop cpu temperature

What is normal laptop cpu temperature

Oct 27,2022
What is normal laptop cpu temperature
Some users may feel that their computer is hot when they are playing games or watching HD movies on their laptop, which is actually mainly caused by the high temperature of the laptop's cpu.So how much is normal laptop cpu temperature?Let's find out next.

How much is normal laptop cpu temperature

1. ambient temperature.Especially in the summer, the CPU will work at full speed temperature will reach more than 70 degrees, although this temperature is acceptable for a short period of time, but if used for a long time, it will affect the life of the CPU, so it is best to shut down the computer to take a break, a little better in winter, the general temperature of 30 degrees, so the environmental temperature has a great impact on the CPU temperature.
2. cpu fan quality and host environment.People who use computers more will know that if the cpu cooling fan turns very slowly will seriously affect the cpu heat dissipation, resulting in high cpu temperature.Relatively speaking, if the host case air ducts are not designed properly, the internal heat cannot be discharged in time, which will also lead to high temperature of the cpu, which is the same reason as the fan spinning too slowly.
3. Running large games or high-definition movies.Running large games or high-definition movies will cause the cpu to heat up and increase the demand for exhaust air, which will naturally cause high cpu temperatures.Many people will use overclocking on the computer, which is also easy to cause CPU heating, because once the use of overclocking will increase the operating voltage of the cpu, the voltage increases, the natural heat increase, as long as the heat and heat dissipation is not balanced, the temperature will naturally rise.

What is a laptop cpu

Generally speaking, it is normal for the laptop cpu temperature to be controlled within 30 degrees of warming, what is 30 degrees of warming? It is actually very simple, for example, the room temperature is now 25 degrees, then 30 degrees of warming is 55 degrees, that is to say, when the room temperature is 25 degrees to control the laptop cpu temperature within 55 degrees is the most ideal situation.
However, the actual laptop cpu temperature will often exceed this temperature, especially when running large games or watching HD movies, the laptop cpu temperature rises very quickly, in fact, there is no need to worry about this.Nowadays, CPUs are made of temperature-resistant materials, and a temperature of more than 60.70 degrees is not a big deal for the CPU.
Of course the laptop is not just composed of CPU, there are other components such as the motherboard, CPU for a long time in a high-temperature environment, the other components of the motherboard will have a certain impact, and in serious cases, even affect the service life.Usually, the normal temperature of the laptop is generally between 40-80 degrees, if the CPU temperature for a long time more than 70. or even 80 degrees, then you should check if there is a problem with the computer.

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