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Sesame biscuits

Sesame biscuits

Oct 27,2022
Sesame biscuits
Sesame baklava is one of the many types of baklava in China, and it is also one of the more popular ones. The baklava is easy to make, has a popular taste, and is suitable for both young and old, with a crispy crust and a pleasant aroma.

Beijing Sesame Burrito

IngredientsPrepare 250g of wheat flour, 100g of sandwich meat, 50g of dried plum cabbage, 3g of yeast, the right amount of malt syrup, salt, and a few black sesame seeds.
Method Step 1. knead the flour with yeast and water to form a dough for fermentation.
2. wash and drain the dried plum vegetables and mix with the sandwich meat, add salt and mix well to form the filling.
3. Knead the fermented dough well and divide it into equal portions, knead and roll it thinly and wrap it in the filling.
4. then press flat and roll out into a pastry bun of more than 10 cm in diameter and brush with a layer of maltose.
5. Then sprinkle with black sesame seeds and bake in a preheated 200 degree oven for 18 minutes.

Easy Sesame Burrito

IngredientsPrepare 400g of medium flour, 3g of yeast, the right amount of sesame seeds, a pinch of salt, and the right amount of pepper powder.
Method Step 1. melt the yeast powder in warm water and knead the dough to rise for half an hour.
2. take 100 grams of sesame seeds and fry them, then put them in a cooking machine, add salt and pepper powder and beat them into a powder.
3. roll out the dough into a thin crust, then spread the sesame pepper evenly over it.
4. then roll the dough into a roll, divide it into small doses, shape it into small cakes, then dip it in a little water and stick it with the fried sesame seeds.
5. Finally, place in a preheated electric pancake pan and cook on both sides until golden brown.
Tip: Dip the scones in a little water to make the sesame seeds stick more firmly.

sesame sesame baklava

IngredientsPrepare 200g of flour, 110g of water, a little yeast, 1 tbsp of sugar, a little salt, a little oil, 1 tbsp of sesame paste, a little pretzel salt, will be the right amount, white sesame seeds, a little egg wash.
Method steps 1. flour add water, yeast, sugar salt, oil knead well into a smooth dough and ferment until double in size.
2. mix sesame paste, pepper salt and appropriate amount of water to form a thin paste.
3. Roll out the fermented dough into a 3mm sheet and spread the sesame paste evenly over it.
4. then roll out the dough and divide it into about 8 small portions, then knead it and press it into small rounds.
5. Place the rounds in a baking tray, brush with the egg wash and sprinkle with white sesame seeds, place in the middle of a preheated 17 degree oven for about 20 minutes.

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