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A complete list of how to make various kinds of porridge

A complete list of how to make various kinds of porridge

Oct 27,2022
A complete list of how to make various kinds of porridge
Congee is an important staple food in China, a variety of different porridge, basically everyone will be so one or two porridge practice, but more skills do not press ah.It's good to learn a few more for a change, so let's look at a variety of porridge practices.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what to do.

Ingredients prepared 150 grams of rice, 100 grams of fish, mushrooms, celery, ginger, salt, pepper a little.
Method steps 1. wash and soak rice, put it in a pot with 8 times the amount of rice and cook the porridge.
2. fish sliced into thin slices and marinated for a while with Ho Yen and pepper, celery diced and mushrooms sliced.
3. cook the rice until soft, then add the mushrooms, then the fish slices and the shredded ginger until boiling.
4. cook for another 5 minutes and then add the chopped celery, cook slightly for a few moments, add salt a little salt to taste.

All kinds of porridge practice: black sesame walnut porridge

Ingredients prepare rice, glutinous rice, rock sugar, black sesame seeds, crushed walnuts in appropriate amounts.
Method steps 1. will rice .Soak glutinous rice in water for 10 minutes and rinse well.
2. Boil water in a pot, add the soaked rice, bring to a boil over high heat and then turn to low heat and cook until thickened.
3. wash the walnuts and black sesame seeds, put the walnuts and black sesame seeds into a frying pan and fry.
4. When the porridge thickens, add the fried and black sesame seeds and walnuts and mix well.

All kinds of porridge practice book: Uggs glutinous rice porridge

Ingredients Prepare black chicken legs, glutinous rice, white onion, salt, shredded onion.
Method steps 1. wash the chicken legs and cut them into small pieces, shred the green onion.
2. put the chicken legs into a pot, add water, boil on high heat and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.
3. then add glutinous rice, bring to a boil and turn down the heat to low.
4. When cooked, add the right amount of salt, add the shredded green onion and remove from the heat.

All kinds of porridge practice book: corn porridge

Ingredients prepare the right amount of rice, sweet corn 1, a little carrot, mushrooms, a little green onion.
Method steps 1. clean rice, add a little oil, salt and mix well, put in a pot, add water.
2. cover the pot and boil on high heat, simmer on low heat for half an hour.
3. soak mushrooms, take the corn, dice the carrots, dice the mushrooms as well, and cut the green onions.
4. add the carrots, corn and mushrooms to the pot when the porridge is ready, bring to a boil on medium heat and cook on low heat for 20 minutes.
5. Then add the chopped green onion and season with salt to taste.

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