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Papaya in red wine

Papaya in red wine

Oct 27,2022
Papaya in red wine
Red wine papaya is a new and amazing food combination, and both ingredients are favored by women.Red wine contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and help slow down the aging process.Papaya, on the other hand, is rich in nutrients and has breast enhancement.The effect of skin beauty.The combination of red wine and papaya makes the most suitable food for women to eat, with breast enhancement.Blood.The effect of skin rejuvenation.Of course, you can also add other ingredients to make more delicious food.

Red wine nutrition

The tannins contained in red wine can inhibit bacterial reproduction and help digestion; red wine contains antioxidant components and rich phenolic compounds, which can prevent arteriosclerosis and platelet clotting, protect and maintain the normal physiological function of the cardiovascular system, to protect the heart.Preventing the role of stroke.
Papaya is the fruit of the king of the hundred benefits of the fruit, buy papaya is not the more ripe the better, most of the ripe papaya taste best.Papaya is rich in vitamin A, which can clear the liver and eyes, relieve eye fatigue, and lighten dark circles under the eyes.People who spend a lot of time staring at computer screens can consume papaya, which provides a lot of vitamin A.In addition, papaya is very low in calories, for people who lose weight, papaya can bring a sense of satiety, which helps to slim down.

Papaya Stewed in Red Wine

Ingredients Preparation Ingredients: papaya 100g, red wine .Cinnamon .Cloves .Icing sugar each appropriate amount.
Method step by step approach: 1. Wash and peel the papaya, remove the flesh, and block.
2. will papaya.Cinnamon.Clove into the pot, pour in the red wine, high heat boiling.
3. Add rock sugar, switch to low heat and cook until the rock sugar dissolves.
Tips red wine papaya is initially a French meal, but is simply papaya soaked in red wine to eat, and the Chinese people are not used to cold food, so gradually the practice of red wine papaya stew.The red wine papaya stew is rich in flavor, and when you do it at home, the stewing time better not exceed half an hour, otherwise the papaya will lose a lot of nutrition.

red wine fruit cool

The ingredients are prepared papaya.Watermelon 50 grams each, 30 grams of red beans, kiwi appropriate amount.Red wine.3 tbsp each of trifle milk, sugar.Cream each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Wash the red beans and cook them with the sugar in a pot until they are soft and rotten, put them in the refrigerator and set aside.
2. Papaya.Peel kiwi, cut diagonal pieces; part of the watermelon with red wine and cream stir into the juice, the remaining part cut into pieces.
3. Put the red beans in a bowl, pour in the trifle milk and watermelon red wine juice, arrange the papaya pieces.Kiwi chunks .Watermelon cubes can be.
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