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Hula hoop weight loss how long to spin every day

Hula hoop weight loss how long to spin every day

Aug 05,2022
Hula hoop weight loss how long to spin every day
Usually tired of work, back pain and leg cramps, when you get home, you are directly lying down on the sofa or a little exercise?The girls who lie down directly probably have a small belly on their stomach!And MMs who often don't forget to exercise and work out are probably not in bad shape now.Nowadays, many MMs like to come home to a period of aerobic exercise, and in which the hula hoop weight loss girls and a lot of them.Then you know how long to hula hoop weight loss every day to turn?And how to turn?Let's go together to see it!

Hula hoop weight loss is harmful to the uterus

There is no authoritative observation to show that hula hooping for weight loss can be harmful to the uterus.The organs in the abdominal cavity of the human body have their own position, and general exercise will rarely cause misalignment.As a sport, hula hooping is not harmful to the uterus as long as the exercising MM has no health problems and the amount and intensity of exercise is moderate.But this exercise is too strenuous for pregnant women, pregnant women should avoid going to hula hoop oh.

What kind of hula hoop is good for weight loss

Many MM in the hula hoop weight loss always love to choose heavy and thick hula hoop, think this weight loss effect will be better.In fact, it is not oh, the following take a look at what kind of hula hoop weight loss effect is good.
First of all, we must be clear that the hula hoop is not the heavier the better.Perhaps heavier hula hoops in the beginning of the moment, the need to spend more effort, but after the start of the turn will become a kind of inertia exercise, oh, this time with the hula hoop weight is not too related to it.
So the focus of hula hoop weight loss or exercise time must be long enough, otherwise the short hula hoop exercise only belongs to the anaerobic exercise, in exchange for muscle soreness, and will not consume excess calories Oh.
In addition, too heavy hula hoops will hit the abdomen when shaking.The back within the organs, may be injured internal organs Oh.So when you choose hula hoops to lose weight, or choose a moderate weight hula hoop it!

What to pay attention to when hula-hooping for weight loss

You are hula hoop weight loss control?The busy OLs usually do not have time to go to the gym to exercise to lose weight, so many MM thought of hula hoop at home to lose weight.The hula hoop at home is indeed a great way to lose weight, but do you know what you need to pay attention to in order to lose weight?
1. MM in the hula hoop before, should first do some stretching exercises, twisting waist.Kick the legs, stretching ligaments, to avoid sprains.
2. should not hula-hoop within 1 hour before and after meals.
3. women during pregnancy.Avoid hula-hooping during pregnancy and menstruation.
4. Hula-hoop for more than 30 minutes each time, and to adhere to.
5. turn must be left and right evenly, for example, first to the left for 10 minutes, and then to the right for 10 minutes, so as to make the abdomen on both sides of the force evenly.
6. it is recommended to do a light abdominal massage after turning the hula hoop, which helps the burning of fat.
7. Hula hoop weight loss is not suitable for people with lumbar muscle strain.

How to turn the hula hoop can lose weight

The hula hoop weight loss is a persistent thing, every day adhere to the hula hoop after a certain time you will find your waist magically thin!The following will follow the brand net wikipedia together with the left three circles.The right three circles, to see how the hula hoop can turn to lose weight?
1. feet standing, shoulder-width apart, both arms behind the body at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock position, hold the hula hoop, so that it is kept 30 centimeters away from the body, inhale chest, try to clench the shoulder blades.
2. Turn the hula hoop clockwise until your left hand is directly above your head and your right hand is behind your hips.Hold for 10 seconds, breathing slowly and deeply.
3. Return to the initial position and turn the hula hoop counterclockwise until the right hand is directly above the head and the left hand is behind the hips.Hold for 10 seconds and breathe slowly and deeply, after which return to the initial position.

How long to spin the hula hoop for weight loss per day

Shake your hair out and stride away.You have to think about the scene where you are spinning the hula hoop, shaking your long hair and following your body with your hands to get high, doesn't it feel handsome?Yes, hula hooping for weight loss can be sexy and beautiful!So, do you know how long it takes to hula hoop for weight loss every day?
Hula hoop weight loss is a full body exercise, can achieve the effect of sports slimming, but the exercise time must be long enough Oh.Because the intensity of hula hoop exercise is not much, so the only way to achieve the effect of weight loss is by extending the exercise time.
So the mommy wiki suggests that if you want to lose weight through the hula hoop, you should exercise for at least thirty minutes each time to burn the fat in your body.The correct position to turn the hula hoop, in addition to weight loss, is excellent for your cervical and lumbar spine.If you are not tired when you get home, MM can insist on turning the hula hoop for an hour every day.In addition, must remember to pay attention to the daily diet, eat more green vegetables and fruits, less high-fat fried food, in addition to proper exercise, will definitely be successful in weight loss!
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