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How to make cold cakes

How to make cold cakes

Oct 27,2022
How to make cold cakes
In this article, we present a complete list of how to make cold cakes, for those who want to eat delicious and refreshing cakes in the hot summer.Cold cakes have a variety of flavors, and they melt in your mouth and refresh your soul.The taste is very refreshing.Here is a complete list of how to make cold cakes!

The way to make a cold cake: yam cold cake

The ingredients are 500 grams of yam, 100 grams of glutinous rice flour, diced dates.Sugar cinnamon.Cooked lotus seeds 50 grams each, red melon .30g each of diced sugar plate oil.100g white sugar, chicken essence.2 tbsp each water starch, 150g cooked lard.
Step 1: Wash the yam, cook it in a pot of boiling water, pull it out, peel it and grind it into a puree.
2. Place in a large bowl and add glutinous rice flour.White sugar.Chicken essence.Water starch.Cooked lard, stir well into the yam puree.
3. Take 3 small bowls, grease them with cooked lard, sprinkle with a little sugar cinnamon, add diced dates.Lotus seeds.Red gourd.
4. Fill the bowl with mashed yam and press it firmly, then invert it into a plate and steam for 10 minutes.

The best way to make cold cakes: red bean cold cakes

Prepare 500g of glutinous rice, 200g of red beans, 100g of cooked flour.100g each of cooked sesame seeds, cooked melon seeds.Green and red shreds.25g each of crushed peanuts, 200g of sugar, 2g of spices.
Method Step 1. Wash glutinous rice and soak it in warm water; grind red beans into flour; roll cooked sesame seed kernels and add sugar .Melon seed kernels .Green and red shreds .Spices.Crushed peanuts and mix well to form a filling.
2. Dry steam the soaked glutinous rice in a pot until cooked, remove and pound with a wooden stick into a fine paste to form a glutinous rice dough, then refrigerate for 1 hour.
3. Place the glutinous rice dough on a floured board, knead it well, roll it into strips, pull it into dough, press it flat and wrap it with the filling, form it into a ball, then press it into a round cake, place it on a plate and serve it on the table.

How to make mango cold cakes: Mango cold cakes

IngredientsPrepare flour.150g each of glutinous rice flour, 100g of mango, 30g of sugar, and the right amount of red bean paste.
Method Step 1.Fill the plate with glutinous rice flour, add water .Sugar knead into dough, steam on the pot and take out, let cool and cut into pieces; mangoes peeled and washed, cut into grains.
2. Divide the dough into two parts and roll them into pastry separately.Place the bean paste on one side of the cake, then spread the other side of the cake and steam for 20 minutes.
3. Remove the glutinous rice cake, let it cool, then cut into pieces and top with diced mango.

How to make cold cakes: Canton style cold cakes

Prepare 40g glutinous rice flour, 40g clarified flour, cinnamon honey.Raisins.Red dates each appropriate amount, sugar appropriate amount.
Step 1: Wash the red dates and raisins and soak them in warm water, remove the core and cut them into dice.
2. Mix glutinous rice flour and clarifying powder, then add 100g of water and mix well to make a thick paste.
3. Boil 150g of water in a pot, add sugar and boil it, then pour it into the thick paste and stir it into the smooth paste, add diced red dates.Add the diced red dates, raisins and cinnamon honey and stir well.
4. Take a container, pour the paste into it, transfer it to a steamer, steam it for 20 minutes, let it cool, demould it and cut it into cubes.
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