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Home cooking of cabbage

Home cooking of cabbage

Oct 27,2022
Home cooking of cabbage
Cabbage as a very homely vegetable, people know it can be said to know, so cabbage home practice you know a few of them, the following we will look at three different big aspects of the representative practice of cabbage, so that cabbage can be more richly reflected.

Homemade practice of cabbage: cold cabbage

Korean-style spicy cabbage
IngredientsPrepare 1 cabbage, 200g Korean chili powder, 200g salt, 50g glutinous rice flour, half a white radish, half a carrot, a little onion, 2 garlic, the right amount of ginger pieces, 1 apple, 1 pear, 50g sugar, 3 tablespoons of shrimp paste, 50ml fish sauce, a little black sesame seeds, 1 handful of chives, the right amount of celery.
Method step 1. remove the old leaves and cut the cabbage into quarters, then sprinkle salt on each layer.
2. put the kimchi box with the right amount of salt, add cool water and put in the cabbage, submerging the cabbage halfway with water.
3. then press a heavy weight on top, pickle overnight, rinse several times and then wash with pure water.
4. mix glutinous rice flour with water, cook in a pot until thick, let cool and set aside, shred radish with salt to kill the water.
5. pour the glutinous rice paste into the chili powder, then add the apple puree and pear puree, then add the garlic and onion, carrot puree.
6. add the right amount of shrimp paste, fish sauce and mix well, then add sugar, white sesame seeds and chives and celery and mix well.
7. Rub the cabbage with the dressing, then place in a kimchi box, cover with a layer of marinade and seal to ferment for 3 days.

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