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What is the right size of cosmetic dosage

What is the right size of cosmetic dosage

Jul 29,2022
What is the right size of cosmetic dosage
Cosmetics can be said to be essential products for life, but when we use them, we often worry about the amount to use.If you use less, you are afraid that it will not work, and if you use more, you are afraid that it will be counterproductive.How should we divide the amount of cosmetics?

cosmetic dosage specifications: the right amount of cosmetic products for better results

The amount of cosmetics used
1. Facial cleanser
Dosage: 10 dimes
If it's a cream or gel cleanser, just squeeze out a dime.For foam cleansers, press the spray pump.Use too much cleanser and your skin will dry out faster and the page will be easily irritated.You only need to wash your face with cleanser twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
2. Eye Cream
Dosage: penny coin
A penny coin (a circle smaller than a dime) of eye cream is enough for two eyes.The skin around the eyes is very delicate and needs to be moisturized especially.If you use too much eye cream, it may lead to fatty grains or inflammation, and your makeup may not stay on, so it's best to use the most appropriate amount.
3. Sunscreen
Dosage: first dollar coin, reapply 50 cents coin
So far, all skin care products do not specify the amount of cosmetics we use.So how much of the different types of cosmetics we probably use is really the most appropriate for our skin needs? We now use the dollar coin as a reference value to break it down for Phantom Moe.
Use the right amount of cosmetics
4. sunscreen
We know that the amount of sunscreen applied to your body at one time should fill a shot glass of spirits.What about for the face?You can apply the amount of a dollar coin for the first application before going out, and then reapply every two hours afterwards outdoors with the amount of a 50-cent coin.
5. Serum
Dosage: a penny coin
Serum has powerful moisturizing, exfoliating and skin whitening functions.Since it is a concentrated ingredient, you don't need a lot of it, a penny-sized amount is enough for you to smear all over your face and neck.By overusing the serum, your face will not absorb more beneficial ingredients, instead these excess ingredients will stay on the surface of your face and cause your skin to become oily.
6. Day and night creams
Dosage: 50 cent coins
A 50 cent coin-sized amount of day and night cream at a time is enough to moisturize your entire face up to your neck.Of course, if you have very dry skin, you can increase it; conversely, if you have oily skin, you should reduce it.Remember to wash your skin thoroughly before applying the night cream.
Use makeup in moderation for better results.
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