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Wall Coating Brands

Wall Coating Brands

Oct 26,2022
Wall Coating Brands
Wall coating is used to decorate and protect the building wall, make the building wall beautiful and neat, and also can play a role in protecting the building wall and prolonging its service life.Wall coatings are classified according to the building wall, including interior wall coatings and exterior wall coatings.Interior wall coatings focus on decoration and environmental protection; exterior wall coatings focus on protection and durability.In addition to its own decorative and protective role, wall coatings are also in the process of becoming more colorful.Fashion.Health and environmental protection trend development.

Cracked Wall Coating

How to avoid wall coating cracking and deformation: 1. The substrate surface should be treated with oil.2. Choose the matching primer.Top coat.3. Paint the next coat after the bottom layer is dry.4. The cement bottom should be fully dried and the PH value should be controlled below 8, and it is better to close it with anti-alkali primer.5. Construct in a suitable environment.

Wall coating construction process

1. wall cure leak method to repair the original structure waterproofing using linear structure waterproofing, its function is to make water dispersion.When the cavity structure is partially damaged, the use of restoration repair effect is better. 2. repair with waterproofing materials This method is widely used, that is, in the rainwater infiltration indoor parts using oil-soluble or water-emulsion type waterproofing materials embedded seams or painting method.In the outside of the exterior wall panel to take waterproofing measures, through waterproofing materials to waterproof the wall. 3. outside wall inside the water plugging method that is in the exterior wall half inside side to take waterproofing measures, through waterproofing materials to block rainwater intrusion.

Top ten brands of wall coatings

1. Lipan said Lipan, can be counted as a household brand, it is China's well-known trademark.It is a world-renowned wall coating brand, and it has its service centers all over the world.Dulux is a brand of AkzoNobel, a British company, and is used by more than 50 million households around the world every year, and has a high sales volume in some western countries.Dulux paints have a number of environmentally friendly technologies, but also to ensure the quality of paint, popular with European consumers.

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