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How to make leek pancakes

How to make leek pancakes

Oct 27,2022
How to make leek pancakes
We all love leek pancakes, and sometimes it's nice to have a change of pace when you get bored with the usual pancakes.The leek pancakes are very easy to make, you just need to add leeks to the ingredients, if you want it to be more delicious, you can also add meat.If you want to make it even better, you can add meat, eggs, etc. Here's a complete list of how to make leek cakes!

How to make pork and leek cakes

How to make pork and leek pancakes.
Ingredients Preparation 250 grams of flour, 100 grams of pork, 10 grams of leek, 10 grams of ginger, 10 grams of peanut rice, 30 grams of peanut oil, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of MSG, 3 grams of sugar, 2 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of sweet pasta sauce.
Method steps 1. Pork chopped into un; leek washed and cut into rice; ginger peeled and cut into rice; peanut rice fried, peeled and cut into grains.
2. In a bowl, add minced pork .Minced leek .Peanut rice, season with salt.Monosodium glutamate.White sugar .Sesame.Oil.Mix well with sweet sauce to make the filling.
3. Add flour to water and form dough, then make 6 doughs, flatten them one by one, wrap them with filling and seal them, press them into a round cake shape, add oil to the pan and put them into a round cake, fry them until they are cooked inside and fragrant outside, then put them into a dish.

How to make ham and leek pancakes

How to make ham and leek pancakes.
Ingredients Prepare 100g spring roll skin, 150g ham, 150g leek, 30g carrot, 150g pork.Salt 3g, MSG 5g, sugar 8g, cooking oil.Sesame oil .Chicken seasoning each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Cut the ham into thin slices 2mm thick, then cut into 3cm x 3cm squares.
2. leek.Carrot.Dice the pork and add salt.Monosodium glutamate.Sugar.Chicken essence.Cooking oil.Mix well with sesame oil to form the filling.
3. Place the ham slices on the spring roll skin, then put the filling on top and wrap up.
Roll into square patties and steam in a cage for about 8 minutes, then fry in a non-stick pan until golden brown.

How to make buckwheat leek pancakes

How to make buckwheat leek cakes.
Ingredients prepare 400 grams of buckwheat flour, 200 grams of leeks, salt.Monosodium glutamate.Pepper.Vegetable oil each in the right amount.
Method Step 1. Wash the leeks, cut into fine minced; buckwheat flour with an appropriate amount of water mixed into a paste, add the leeks.Fine salt.Monosodium glutamate.Diabolo powder mix well.
2. Heat a pan on the fire, vegetable oil wipe the pan, pour in the buckwheat leek paste spread flat, turning, until both sides are charred.Fragrant cooked, serving dish that is.

How to make fresh meat and leek cakes

How to make fresh meat and leek pancakes.
Ingredients Prepare 100g fresh meat, 50g minced leeks, 120g flour, 1 egg, sugar.Salt.Monosodium glutamate.Starch.A little oil each.
Method step 1. Wash the fresh meat and chop the salted meat paste.
2. Put the minced leek.Fresh meat paste into the flour, then beat the eggs, add salt.Add salt. sugar.MSG.Oil.Starch, add water and mix well.
3. Put the flour batter into the frying pan and fry until both sides are golden brown, remove and cut into pieces.
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