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How to make stir-fried chicken gizzards

How to make stir-fried chicken gizzards

Oct 27,2022
How to make stir-fried chicken gizzards
Chicken gizzards are the internal organs of a chicken, and many people like to cook with them, and stir-frying them is the most common way.Stir-fried chicken gizzards are easy to make, and the easiest way to make them is to use only dried chili peppers for a spicy and delicious taste.Other than that, stir-fried chicken gizzards can also be served with other ingredients for a great taste.

How to make stir-fried chicken gizzards with sauce

Prepare 400g net chicken gizzards, 100g sliced green and red peppers, 1 star anise, 800g vegetable oil, sweet pasta sauce.Soy sauce.Chinese cooking wine.Salt.Green onion.Ginger.Garlic.Starch in appropriate amounts.
Step 1: Remove the oil from the gizzards, cut them into long strips, place them in a bowl and add the cornstarch.
2. Then put vegetable oil in a pot and heat it to 40-50 degrees.
3. Leave a little oil in the bottom of the pan and throw in the minced onion, ginger and garlic.Add the green and red bell pepper slices and stir-fry briefly, then add the sweet noodle sauce.Soy sauce.Chinese cooking wine.Fine salt, adjust the taste.
4. Finally add the slippery chicken gizzards and a little broth, stir-fry for a moment, thicken and drizzle with oil.

How to make stir-fried chicken gizzards with straw mushrooms

Prepare 150g chicken gizzards, 40g Dutch beans, 4 cooked straw mushrooms, half a pepper, 2 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, salt.Egg wash.Starch in appropriate amounts.
Seasoning: soy sauce.Half a teaspoon each of wine, salt.monosodium glutamate.Pepper.Water starch, 1/4 tsp. each, 2 tbsp. water, sugar.1/8 tsp each sesame oil.
Step 1: Wash the chicken gizzards, peel off the white film, graze with a knife, rinse, drain and mix with salt.Egg wash.Marinate in salt, egg and cornstarch.
2. Cut the cooked straw mushrooms in half, remove the heads and tails and the thick tendons from the sides of the Dutch beans and wash them.Slice the garlic.
3. Scald the chicken gizzards in a pan of boiling water to remove the blood and drain quickly after they are cooked through.
4. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a wok and add the ginger.Add the ginger, chilli flakes and garlic.Stir-fry the gizzards with the garlic.Cooked straw mushrooms.Stir-fry over low heat until the water dries up, then drizzle with water starch and thicken.
Tip: If the gizzards are marinated in the marinade, they will form a protective film during the stir-frying process, so that the gizzards will be tender and tasty, and not hard to bite into.

How to make fried chicken gizzards

IngredientsPrepare 300g of chicken gizzards, 50g of red pepper, chopped onion.Sliced garlic.Sliced ginger.Star anise.Pepper.Chinese soy sauce.Chinese cooking wine.White sugar.Salt each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Wash the chicken gizzards and cut into slices.Wash the red pepper and cut it into diagonal sections.
2. Heat the oil in a pan and add the chopped onion.Garlic slices.Ginger slices.Red pepper segments.Star anise.Stir fry the chicken gizzards over high heat and add the wine.Chinese soy sauce.Sugar.Salt, continue to stir-fry over high heat, until the gizzards are browned.When the soup is dried up, remove from the pan and serve.
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