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How to Make Pork Ribs with Sauce

How to Make Pork Ribs with Sauce

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Pork Ribs with Sauce
In the summer heat, people's appetite becomes poor, so it helps to make a rich, soft and sticky pork ribs in sauce for your family.It's very easy to make, and although you don't have to fry the sugar, the color is very red and bright, so you can be lazy without compromising the flavor, and it's easiest to make in the summer.

How to make ribs in rice cooker sauce

Ingredients Prepare 500g ribs, 100g strawberries, 100g strawberry jam, 2g salt, 15g soy sauce, 10g white rice vinegar, 30g fine sugar.Corn starch 100g, sesame oil 2g, peanut oil 500g.
Method Step 1. Wash the ribs well.Chop them into small pieces, put salt, soy sauce, sesame oil and grasp evenly to marinate for at least 4 hours, so that the ribs are well flavored.
2. Put corn starch in a clean, water-free dish and place the marinated ribs in the corn starch to coat them evenly with a layer of corn starch.
3. Heat the peanut oil in a pan and fry the ribs until they are golden brown, then put them in a pan to cool.
4. Cut the strawberries into small pieces.Take another pot, add sugar and water and heat slowly over low heat.
5. Pour the fried ribs into the strawberry sweet and sour sauce and stir-fry quickly, then cover all the ribs with the sauce and serve.

How to make ribs in delicious sauce

IngredientsPrepare 500g of ribs, 2 slices of ginger, 2 green onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 star anise, 2 slices of allspice leaves, 1 small piece of cinnamon.
Method Step 1. Wash the pot and fill with water, bring to a boil over high heat, then add the washed ribs.
2. Cook over high heat until the water comes to a boil.Force out the dirty blood from the ribs.Fish out the ribs and rinse them well with water.
3. Peel and slice the ginger.Peel the garlic, wash and cut the green onion into sections or knots, wash and set aside the star anise, allspice and cinnamon.
4. Add an appropriate amount of water to the rice cooker, add the ribs and onion, ginger and garlic.Star anise.Fragrant leaves .Cinnamon.
5. Add icing sugar, cover the pot, press the cook function, wait for the water to boil and add bean paste.
6. Stir the ingredients in the pot, cover and cook until juices are reduced, stirring once more halfway through for more flavor.
7. Cook until reduced, then you can season and serve.
Tips 1. Be sure to finish cooking the ribs before serving, so that the sauce ribs will be more flavorful and delicious.
2. The bean paste already has a certain salty taste, so try the taste before adding salt.

How to make Wuxi Pork Ribs with Sauce

IngredientsPrepare 1500g of pork ribs from Taihu Lake, pork skin.Cold melon, soy sauce.Salt.Shao wine.Red currant rice powder.Onion.Ginger.Spices.
Method Step 1. Chop the ribs into 9 cm square pieces, marinate with salt for 4 hours, put them in a pot of water with the meat skin and boil, take them out, wash them, put them in a clean pot, add all kinds of seasonings, boil them on a high flame, then simmer them for about 4 hours until the ribs are crispy and tasty, take them out of the pot and serve them.
2. cut the cold melon into long strips, put into the pot, with broth.Seasoning to warm cooked, to the bottom of the ribs or around the edge is ready.
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