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Bird's Nest Recipes

Bird's Nest Recipes

Oct 27,2022
Bird's Nest Recipes
We all know that bird's nest is a precious ingredient, but not too much is known about common bird's nest recipes.Traditional bird's nest recipe practice is mostly stewing .Steaming, these two practices can preserve the nutrients of bird's nest to the maximum extent and taste great.Bird's nest is rich in many nutrients and is especially nourishing for women who are physically weak.Here are some common bird's nest recipes for you!

Bird's Nest Recipe: Bird's Nest Soup with Wolfberry

Ingredients Prepare 50 grams of bird's nest, Chinese wolfberry.20 grams each of cinnamon meat.
Soak the bird's nest in boiling water for 30 minutes, put it into a large bowl, add the right amount of water and let it rise, then put it into a large bowl.
2. Replace with water, remove the lint and dirt, steam over high heat for about half an hour.
3. cinnamon meat.Soak wolfberries in warm water for a few minutes, rinse, put in a bowl, put rock sugar, add boiling water, steam in a cage, remove the sediment and pour into a large soup bowl with bird's nest.

Bird's Nest Recipe: Bird's Nest, Silver Ear and Lotus Seed Soup

Prepare 60g of lotus seeds, 50g of silver fungus, 20g of bird's nest, 30g of rock sugar, a little bit of food powder, and the right amount of water starch.
Method Step 1. Pick the lotus seeds and remove the heart of the lotus seeds; remove the root of the cleaned silver fungus and cut into small pieces.
2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and boil, pour in the cut silver ears, pour the food powder into the pot and blanch for about 2 minutes on high heat to remove impurities, and serve.
3. Take another soup pot, add about 900 ml of water, pour in the lotus seeds.Silver fungus.Bring the water to a boil, turn down the heat and cook for about 20 minutes.
4. Pour the bird's nest into the pot and continue to cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Add an appropriate amount of water starch to the pot and mix well with a pot spoon.

Bird's Nest Recipe: Stewed Bird's Nest with Papaya

IngredientsPrepare 50g bird's nest, 75g egg white, 50g rock sugar.
Soak the bird's nest in warm water for 30 minutes. When the bird's nest falls apart, pick it up and pour it into a white dish.
2. Put the egg white into a deep bowl, stir into a cotton shape with an egg whip and set aside.
Remove the lid and gently pour the egg white on top of the bird's nest. Quickly cover the lid and steam for another 1 minute, then drain the water and place the bird's nest upside down in a soup bowl.
Wash the pot, pour in water, heat it over medium heat, add rock sugar and boil it into sugar water, skim off the froth after boiling and serve.
TipsMoisten the lungs and strengthen the waist.It has a unique therapeutic effect of appetite.Also can reduce wrinkles.It can also reduce wrinkles.
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