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What kind of health pillow is good

What kind of health pillow is good

Aug 18,2022
What kind of health pillow is good
Health pillow, refers to a certain health care effect, can play a role in soothing the nerves, calming and tranquilizing, protecting the cervical spine and other health-type pillow.Health pillow must be in the structure and function of the effort, reasonable structure more humane, can really play a health care role.According to the theory of Chinese medicine and folk use of proof: gypsum cold, the use of gypsum ground paste can be cold to control the rise in blood pressure, adhere to the use of blood pressure can be gradually reduced to a normal level.

What kind of health pillow is good

From the point of view of health care, health care pillows can be divided into two kinds: physical health care pillows and chemical health care pillows.The so-called physical health pillow, is by improving the physical properties of the pillow to achieve the function of protecting the cervical spine and improve sleep quality.The most common physical health pillow on the market is mostly slow rebound pillow, this pillow uses natural latex or space cotton slow rebound memory foam as raw material.The biggest feature of these pillows is that they automatically change shape to match a variety of sleeping positions, and through the close combination of the pillow with the neck at any time, the position of the entire head is fixed to prevent the neck from falling out of place and causing a pillow.In addition to the slow rebound pillow, physical health pillows also include the traditional jade pillow with the effect of stabilization and tranquility, modern airflow pillow using the principle of air pressure and so on.

How to make a health pillow

There are many ways to make your own health pillow, but there are only two aspects to think about, namely the shape of the pillow and the material of the pillow core.The following rabbit will teach you a both health pillow homemade method, shortcomings, please bear with me!Embroidery needle and thread.Pillow filler (tea.Soybean .Black beans.Buckwheat hulls, etc.).502 glue.Wool string.2. Pillowcase sewing: use a towel or old cotton cloth to sew two cylindrical pillowcase, the length of the cylinder is the same, roughly 1.5 times the width of the shoulder, the diameter ratio is roughly 1:1.5, the pillowcase thickness is moderate.3. Tie one end of the two pillowcases with wool string firmly, and then stuff the pillow core filling pillowcase, and finally the other end will be closed with a needle and thread.4. The two cylindrical pillows made above with 502 parallelGlue them together or sew them together with needle and thread, and this health pillow is made.

Is health pillow useful

First of all, the health pillow is certainly useful for the body, now on the market sales of health pillow brand is also very rich: more common useful tea or Chinese medicine, and is more ergonomic, the human head and cervical spine is very helpful.The principle of the health pillow is to reduce the pressure on our body and has a slow rebound technology to relieve cervical and head fatigue.But it's worth noting: a health pillow is not a cure, it is, after all, an assisted relief lifestyle product.It will make it easier for consumers to use, and even a little help to prevent cervical spondylosis, but not as magical as those health pillow salesmen on the market say: can cure cervical spine disease.This is the lack of scientific basis.Consumers should choose to buy rationally and not be easily fooled into doing wrong.

health pillow cure cervical spine disease

First of all, the ordinary pillow because there is no special design structure, so it is often not good to drag our cervical spine, long-term, then it will be easy to cause our brain blood supply is insufficient, and sometimes also cause dizziness and arm numbness and many other adverse symptoms.The curvature of the curve of the health pillow is more in line with the physiological curvature of our human cervical spine, more suitable for our normal cervical spine, so it can play a health care effect, not only that, the health pillow can also soothe our brain nerves, play a calming.The best effect of tranquility.In many styles of health pillows, I personally feel that the temperature-sensitive memory foam health pillow is relatively good.

Which brand of health pillow is good

Hong Kong OTARI health care airflow pillow according to the difference of each person's head weight, relying on the airflow technology can be adjusted to accurately release the arc traction force in line with the natural physiological curvature of the human cervical spine.Continuous, uniform, precise, scientific and soothing traction open cervical intervertebral joints, relieve the pressure inside the intervertebral disc, reduce the pressure and stimulation of the nerve root, vertebral artery, spinal cord and other tissues of the herniated disc.Make the vertebrae of the head relatively fixed in the state of the natural physiological curve; correct the distorted straightened cervical spine physiological curve.

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