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How to make pot roast

How to make pot roast

Oct 12,2022
How to make pot roast
Potpourri in the past is a naturally formed food, is the pot of some rice paste pot on that layer of coking into a lump, eat crispy.Then gradually there is a special production of potpourri food, potpourri also from the original pure baking, with the later fried potpourri, potpourri how to do healthy and delicious, which are to pay attention to.

How to make potpourri tastes good

Potpourri can help with digestion, and is suitable for people with a weak spleen or stomach, or people with indigestion.The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

How to make five spice potpourri

Ingredients prepare 200 grams of chicken, potpourri, a little onion, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, salt, dried chili pepper, pepper, sesame oil, chicken essence, vegetable oil appropriate amount.
Step 1: Wash and cut the chicken into small squares, add salt, ginger, scallions and wine for 15 minutes, and break the potpourri into small pieces.
2. put an appropriate amount of vegetable oil in a pot, heat to 80% and then add the chicken pieces and fry until golden brown, remove and set aside.
3. a little oil in the pot 5 into the heat, put in onions and ginger and garlic slices and dry garbage oh and pepper stir-fry.
4. Then add the chicken pieces, put in the pot, add salt, cooking wine, sesame oil and stir-fry well to remove from the pot.

How to make potpourri

Ingredients prepare rice, oil appropriate amount, five spice powder, shrimp powder, salt appropriate amount.
Method step 1. put rice in a bowl, add a little salt, put five spice powder, shrimp and mix well.
2. take cling film and lay flat, pour on rice, cover with another layer of cling film and then roll out with a rolling pin into a pancake shape.
3. Chill the rice crackers in the refrigerator for half an hour, remove the plastic wrap and cut into small squares.
4. Brush an electric pancake pan with oil, then put the cubes into it and fry until golden brown on both sides.
Tip: Rice crackers are easy to stick together, so cut them up and put them in a scattered manner.

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