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How to Make Garlic Lettuce

How to Make Garlic Lettuce

Aug 01,2022
How to Make Garlic Lettuce
Garlic lettuce is easy to make, a common homemade dish, and the sweet, crunchy and smooth texture of the lettuce is paired with an appetizing garlic puree to create a chic garlic lettuce.

Note on the consumption of lettuce

1. Because lettuce is cold, so frequent urination.People with cold stomach should eat it with caution.
2. Lettuce may contain residues of pesticides and fertilizers, so be sure to wash it well before eating it raw.

Lettuce food value

1. Lettuce contains a lot of carotene.Antioxidants.Vitamin B1.B6.Vitamin E.Vitamin C.
2. Lettuce also has a large amount of dietary fiber and trace elements such as magnesium.Phosphorus.Calcium and a small amount of iron.Copper.Zinc.
3. Lettuce can enhance the digestion and absorption of protein and fat, and improve the blood circulation of the stomach and intestines.

Lettuce medicinal value

1. Lettuce is sweet and cool, because its stems and leaves contain lettucein, so the taste is slightly bitter, has a clear heat and refreshing.Analgesic and hypnotic.Lower cholesterol.Aids in the treatment of neurasthenia and other effects.
2. Lettuce contains mannitol and other effective ingredients, has a diuretic and promote blood circulation.It has the effect of clearing the liver and stomach.

Garlic lettuce recipe.Homemade Garlic Lettuce

Homemade Garlic Lettuce - Ingredients Preparation Lettuce.Garlic cloves.Onion.Ginger.Salt.Fresh chicken sauce.Sugar
Home Made Garlic Lettuce - Preparation Steps 1. Peel the lettuce piece by piece, clean it and set aside.
2. Remove the skin of the garlic cloves and chop them into pieces, and chop the green onion into pieces.
3. Heat a frying pan and pour oil on it.Ginger.Pour the minced garlic into it and burst into flames.
4. Pour the cleaned lettuce into it and stir-fry evenly.
5. Add a little salt, sugar, two drops of fresh chicken sauce and continue to stir-fry.
6. Wait until the lettuce becomes soft, then you can take it out of the pan.

How to Make Garlic Lettuce.Lettuce with Garlic Sauce

Lettuce with Garlic Sauce - Ingredients.Garlic cloves.Salt.Oil
Lettuce in oil and garlic paste - steps 1. Peel the lettuce piece by piece, wash it once in water, soak it in salt water for 15 minutes in the second time, take it out and drain it, then wash it again.
2. Peel the garlic cloves.Finely chop the garlic.
3. Heat a wok and pour in the cooking oil, stir-fry half of the minced garlic.
4. Add the lettuce to the pan and sauté the lettuce to soften.
5. Add the other half of the minced garlic and stir-fry evenly.Add the oil and stir fry well.

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