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Features of camphor wood

Features of camphor wood

Oct 25,2022
Features of camphor wood
Mountain camphor wood is from Indonesia.Malaysia.Sabah imported sorghum.Borneo teak.There are about 20 genera (of which Avocado and Laurel are introduced and cultivated) and more than 420 species in China.It is mainly distributed in Yunnan.Sichuan.Guangxi.Guangdong and Taiwan and other provinces, only a few deciduous species (Mucuna pruriens and Piper spp.) are distributed more northern.Most of the Camphoraceae are typical of tropical rainforest areas and are important components of montane forests, where they can grow on well-drained soils and on swamps or riverbanks.

Difference between mountain camphor wood and balsam fir wood

Characteristics of mountain camphor tree, macro structure: loose pore wood.Tubular pores conspicuous to the naked eye, slightly numerous, medium in size; single tubular pore; partly obliquely arranged; invagination of true bodies abundant.Axial thin-walled tissue windable under magnification, annular tubular bundle-like or subwinged.Wood rays slightly visible under the naked eye, slightly dense, slightly broad.Axial gum tracts conspicuous under the naked eye, long chordate white punctate.Balsam fir is an evergreen tree, the whole plant is fragrant.The bark is yellowish brown with irregular longitudinal fissures.The leaves are alternate, thinly leathery, ovate, 6 to 12 cm long and 3 to 6 cm wide, grey-green below, off-base ternate veins, with conspicuous glands in the axils of the veins.Panicle axillary; tepals 6, yellowish green, inner surface densely short hairy; fertile stamens 9, anthers 4-loculed, 3rd yeast stamens anthers outwardly directed, valvate; ovary superior.Berries globose, purple-black, receptacle cup-shaped.Fl. May-June, fr. Oct-Nov.The cut surface of balsam fir wood is smooth and lustrous, beautiful color after painting, not easily deformed after drying, strong durability, easy to carve.In appearance, the cut surface of mountain camphor wood is red, red-brown for a long time, and the sapwood is grayish yellow-brown; while the cut surface of balsam fir wood is smooth and lustrous, beautiful color after painting, not easily deformed after drying, strong durability, and easy to carve.In addition to this there is also a difference in the growth height of the two trees.

Characteristics of mountain camphor wood

1. Beautiful and natural: the wood is natural, its annual rings.The texture can often form a beautiful picture, giving people a feeling of returning to nature.Return to the feeling of simplicity, regardless of the texture have a unique, widely loved. 2. no pollution material wood flooring: wood is the most typical double green products, itself no pollution sources, some wood has aromatic tincture, issued beneficial health.Tranquil aroma; its afterlife is extremely easy to be absorbed by the soil abatement etching organic fertilizer. 3. light and strong: general wood usually floats on the water, with a few exceptions.Thus, the use of wood as building materials and metal building materials.Compared with metal building materials, stone is easy to transport.Laying, according to experimental results, the tension resistance of pine wood is 3 times that of steel.25 times that of concrete.50 times more than marble, and 4 times more than marble.Especially as a flooring material (wood flooring) will be able to show its advantages.

Mountain camphor wood manufacturers

Shanghai Qibang Wood Industry Co. Shanghai Hsiu Lo Industrial Co.

Mountain camphor wood price

Mountain camphor logs price 2650 RMB/m3.
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