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What to do if your smartphone gets into water

What to do if your smartphone gets into water

Oct 27,2022
What to do if your smartphone gets into water
Some users may accidentally drop their smartphones into water when using them in general, and often when they encounter such a situation, some users are overwhelmed.So how to do when your smartphone is in water?Let's learn about it next.

What to do if your smartphone is in water: powering down into water solution

If the smartphone fell into non-clear water, the first thing you must do is to disconnect the power as soon as possible to avoid short-circuiting the phone after entering the water.If the phone has fallen into seawater, you must immediately rinse the phone with clean water or put it into clean water to try to thin out the corrosive liquid that has seeped inside.
After rinsing the phone as soon as possible, but when disassembling it, you must take care to hold it gently to prevent the internal components of the phone from being damaged.If your own hands-on skills are poor, consider taking it to a cell phone repair department for disassembly and repair.After the phone has been disassembled it must be cleaned with alcohol or professional washing water, never wipe it with water again.When putting together the phone parts, be sure to take care of it gently, every detail must be the same as when disassembling, of course, if you are not good at this, take it to the repair department and let the professionals help you install it.

What to do if your smartphone is in the water: power failure dropped into water solution

If the smartphone is dropped into the water in the case of power failure, the first thing to do is to use a towel or paper towel to dry the water damage on the body of the smartphone, and then start to shake the remaining water from the phone with force, the reasoning is basically the same as the steps in the first case, mainly to shake the water drops out of the screen.
If the screen is found in the residual water stains, then please do not use the first in the table lamp evaporation method to evaporate it, because the water containing stains will remain residue, which will permanently remain in the smartphone screen, so the correct method should be sent to a professional repair shop to disassemble the phone for cleaning, for those users with strong hands, of course, can also be disassembled at home to clean.

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