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How to make fried noodles

How to make fried noodles

Oct 27,2022
How to make fried noodles
In our country, many places noodles are eaten most of the time are boiled noodles to eat, but the noodles will be used to stir-fry, fried as a dish, but there is still a certain difference between fried noodles and fried vegetables, or randomly fried noodles may be small noodle segments, in order not to be miserable or first look at the practice of fried noodles.

How to make stir-fried noodles with pork

Ingredients Prepare 400g of noodles, 100g of pork.Beans (or celery.Garlic moss) 250g, salt.Shao wine.Pepper.Stock.Soy sauce.Chopped green onion.Minced ginger.Cooking oil.
Step 1: Wash and shred the pancetta and clean the beans and cut them into sections.
2. pan with oil, oil heat the noodles pulled apart into the pan and fry until golden brown, then turn over and fry the other side, fry carefully out of the pan, drain the oil and set aside;.
3. Pour a small amount of oil into the pan, choke ginger.Sliced meat.Stir fry the fragrance of cooking wine pour in the beans and stir-fry well add soy sauce.Season well with stock.
4. open the pot under the fried noodles simmer for five minutes on low heat, see no soup in the pot after turning off the heat and then simmer for two minutes, using chopsticks to ruffle so that the beans noodles evenly, can be served.
Tip: Fry the noodles until golden brown, over medium-low heat, to avoid frying.

How to make fried noodles

IngredientsPrepare sausage, noodles, minced green onion, green pepper, red pepper, salt, chicken essence, water to taste.
Step 1: Slice the sausage or dice it, chop the green onion and slice the green and red peppers.
2. boil the noodles in a pot, cook until basically no hard core, fish out, soak in cool water and control the water.
3. put a little oil in the pot, add green onions, add sausage slices, stir-fry, raw sausage add a little water, stew slightly for a few moments.
4. Add the noodles, shake the pan, stir-fry, add half a bowl of water, stir-fry slightly until the soup dries up
5. Add salt.Chicken seasoning, you can pot.
Tip: Don't add too much salt because the sausage itself has a salty taste.

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